Buckeye State voters passed a constitutional amendment protecting reproductive rights, but the results varied across the state’s three settlement regions...
The Nationhood Lab Director was the guest on Brigham Young University radio's popular public affairs program and podcast hosted by Julie Rose and argued for the need for a revitalized civic national narrative for the United States
A rebooted, 21st century version of our civic national narrative is the vital glue that can hold the republic and federation together, Woodard argues in a piece for the American Enterprise Institute's Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility
Researchers from Nationhood Lab, the University of Illinois-Chicago, and the University of Minnesota found stark differences in obesity, diabetes, and exercise across the American Nations in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.
In Washington Monthly, Nationhood Lab's director outlines a policy agenda to shore up U.S. democracy and beat back the authoritarian threat to the country